Thursday, April 23, 2009

wishing that summer would have lasted more then a couple days!

It's back to freezing cold weather here for the next few days. We were going to have a party in the park for Anna's third birthday but we have decided to have it at the house instead. I don't think the kids will have fun if it is only 50 degrees:-)
I've got my potato trenches half dug in the garden. There are still a lot of rocks. I'm glad that all veggies don't need to be planted in trenches. we planted grass along the driveway and filled in the empty spots in the yard. hopefully there will be more green then gray this Summer:-) I'm going to borrow a friends carpet cleaner tomorrow to do my carpets. they are really bad from all the tracking in over the winter and if we are going to have company I wanted it at least presentable. I'm going to make a barbie doll cake for Anna. I will take pictures and post them if they turn out:-)
Steve is working for a few hours on Saturday but then we will try to get to town to get Anna something. Haven't decided for sure yet but we are thinking about a cute little dress. She loves to dress up:-)
I had Anna and Colton help me go through their toys the other day. We are giving some of them to Alicia's kids and some to the Thrift store. I told them to pick out their favorites and the ones that they actually play with. The room looks a lot better. We don't buy many toys for them but they do seem to build up after awhile.
We got our boat out of storage and are looking forward to getting it ready for the lake. It needs a few part but it's pretty much ready to go. Can't wait for sunny summer days on the lake!!
I'm so happy for Rolon and Trina because it looks like they are getting their house and they have sold their trailer. Hopefully they can be moved in with in the month. They are actually moving closer!
Better go get some stuff done before Colton wakes up:-)
The garden Area
Colton watching Rogan
Anna jumping on the trampoline

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday almost Friday!

I'm not sure why but it seems like this week is going by very slow. There is a small storm moving through that is supposed to bring some rain tonight and tomorrow but it is supposed to clear out this weekend.
We are getting a small garden area ready to plant. It seems like an endless task getting the rocks cleared out. Luckily most of them can be lifted by hand but there are a few big ones. Steve borrowed an attachment for his tractor yesterday that really turned up the ground so hopefully once we pick up the rock again we won't have to do it again.
Anna and Colton enjoyed spending time outside this week, Colton never used to like it much but now that he can walk it's hard to keep him inside. They always have to go right into the tub because they are filthy from head to toe.
I heard the other day that there was a study done on all the States and Nebraska was ranked number 1 (Oregon was 51:-). We started looking up info on Nebraska and it seems like it would be a cool place to live. We are of course happy in Oregon and our families are here but I think we may take a trip there to check it out further. We have some friends that are from there and they said that it only took a year of living in Oregon to make them want to go back. But now they are stuck because they bought a house and can't get rid of it:-(

Anna and Colton dressed for the outdoors:-) Anna dressed herself and Colton wanted a scarf on like mommy

Steve was playing Basketball with the kids. He just through a tennis Ball for Mo and I thought Mo looked funny in this picture:-)

A few of the Gazillion rocks that we have been piling up

Anna climbing up to go down the slide

Colton climbing up to go down the slide