Friday, May 15, 2009

good morning!

Finally the nice weather is here and it looks like it will hang around for awhile. I've got some around the house projects to work on today. Anna is still sleeping but Colton is wide awake. After they have breakfast we'll head outside.
I'm so excited that my peas are coming up in the garden. I wonder what will sprout next!
Only a couple weeks before we head to Summer Lake for Jenna's graduation! Then the week after that Amanda's Bridal Shower! So much going on this Summer! We are still planning a camping trip to the lake with friends hopefully that will happen in August.
Better get the day started!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Winter weather

The last few days have felt like winter. I feel bad for everything I planted in the garden. hopefully it will still come up. I talked to some other people in the area and they said everything should be okay but that I shouldn't have planted the g until the end of the month. Oh well if they don't come up by then I'll replant.
This weekend is supposed to be lovely. Rolon and Trina are moving into their new house on Friday. Saturday we are spending the day at Steve's parents house trimming trees and mowing the lawn. Sunday some friends invited us to the lake for a day of R & R.
I started mowing the lawn this morning but the wind is really blowing and the kids want to be inside. I'll try to finish this afternoon.
I'm typing this on a netbook that Steve bought for me from a guy at work. It is such a tiny computer but I'm having fun with it:-)
Last friday I lost my Mother's Ring that Steve got for me last Mothers Day while I was gardening. I was throwing a rock and felt the ring slip of. After many hours and 2 days of looking we brought home a metal detector from a friend. We still couldn't find it. Finally I was ready to look anywhere and picked up the garden rake to get it out of the way of the metal detector and there was my ring under the rake. Somehow the ring had gone in a totally different direction then I had thrown the rock. I'm really happy to have my Mothers ring back. It was the best gift I could get for Mothers Day:-)
I have some great pictures but don't know how to get them on the netbook yet:)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This week

I really don't feel like I got anything done this week but I feel like I've been busy. :-) We did get part of our garden planted so I feel good about that. The weather has not been that great for being outside but the rain is good for all the new grass I planted and of course the veggies. My lawn is starting to look like a jungle so I am thinking that I'll mow it tomorrow.
Here are some pictures from Anna's 3rd Birthday party.

Anna does not really like being the center of attention, she gets shy. Tom had to blow out her candle:-)

Here is the cake. I DID IT!! It turned out good and was tasty too!
Colton likes baking day. Steve took Anna to Redmond that morning to pick up fencing for our chicken pen. They were gone for a couple hours so it gave me time to frost the cake and decorate the house. I actually just blew up a lot of balloons.

The kids Love the Swing and slides that Steve built. Here is Anna and Riley on the Slides. Jake was making sure no one fell.
I have more picture but am having trouble getting them off the camera. I need to have Steve help me tonight when he gets home.
I just looked outside and the Sun is peeking through the clouds. One more day of rain and then it supposed to be nice for awhile.
Steve and i are going to check out some garage sales this weekend and then we have a retirement party to go to for a really nice guy that Steve worked with. It will be a lot of fun.
I was supposed to take the kids to Story time today but decided to stay home. There is a lot of flu going around and I didn't really want to expose Anna and Colton to a dozen little kids. :-) No I'm not paranoid but I really don't want the flu...