Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Molly's Birth

I had planned on blogging while in labor but that didn't work out very well. One Facebook update was as far as I got. The rest were written by Steve:-)
Molly is now 10 weeks old so I thought I'd sit down and Blog a little while she is sleeping :-)
Anna and Colton were both born in Bend so having Molly in Redmond was a new experience all together. The Redmond Hospital is smaller. The nurses are on 12 hour rotations so you don't have to keep going over everything with your nurses every few hours like we did in Bend.
My labor Started on Super bowl Sunday. I started having contractions after 2 or 3 days of none. We went for a walk and they intensified so around 3:30 pm we decided to head to town to be closer to the hospital if it was really labor. We went to Walmart and walked around. The contractions were 10-15 min apart and at times I would have to lean on the cart because my back was hurting so bad... After about an hour we got a call from my brother and Sister-in-law letting us know that they were home. They live about 5 minutes from the hospital and Colton and Anna would be staying with them during the birth. We went to their house and had dinner (I didn't eat anything) then Trina and I went for a walk. The contractions were still about 10-12 minutes apart but some were lasting 2-3 min. They didn't hurt so I was still in denial :-) About 11 I had a contraction that last 3+ minutes. I sat in the chair and started crying. I think it finally settle in that Molly was coming and it was going to be a long night:-) I was happy and terrified all at the same time. I called the doctor service and they told me to come in and get checked. A half hour later I was in a hospital gown getting my temperature and blood pressure checked. When they did the pelvic exam I was 2 cm and 70% effaced. Not enough to be considered active labor. So they told us to walk the halls for an hour and then they would check again. The halls were empty and quiet. Steve and I strolled around for an hour. Stopping ever 10 minutes or so during contractions. After an hour I was at 4cm. My Dr. came in and said they would break my water which made me a little nervous because that really speeds things up and I was not sure I was mentally ready for this. We gave them the go ahead and then the doctor went down the hall to sleep for a little while. Steve and I figured we'd stay in the room so after an hour or 2 of much stronger contractions we were thinking things were moving along. The nurses checked me and I was at 5cm. I wanted to cry. Instead we decided to walk :-) We walked for an hour or so and then the contractions were getting worse so we went back to the room. I was at 6-7cm. My labor had stalled again just like with Anna and Colton. They talked about giving me petosin to speed up the contractions but having had that with Anna I didn't want it again. Instead they told me to try to get some sleep. The doctor left for a little while to freshen up and the nurses left us alone to sleep. I was able to sleep between contractions and they made up the fold out bed for Steve. Around 7am my contractions started getting really strong. Still very sporadic. Some lasting 2 min some 7-8 min apart. The nurses were great. Very supportive but gave us our space and really listened to me when I said something. Around 8 or 8:30 Daphne and Charity came in. I wasn't sure they were coming but we were very happy to have them there. Steve and I were both exhausted and it helped to have my girlfriends there for support. The contractions started getting really bad about 9am. I was trying to breathe through them. With some contractions I would go through all the different breathing techniques :-) some of the contractions were still lasting 2 minutes, sometimes I would have a minute or 2 to relax but sometimes I didn't. I had to lay on my side, I would hold Steves hand and close my eyes. By this time I felt the urge to push but I was able to breathe through it. I was still at 8 cm. Just before 10am during a contraction I felt the Baby move down, I freaked a little, I hadn't pushed but the baby was coming. I whispered "get the Doctor" as loud as I could :-) With in what seemed like seconds everyone was there and getting ready. They helped me roll to my back and by this time I couldn't stop from pushing during contractions. Daphne had one hand and Steve the other. When the next contraction came I pushed and felt the baby move down farther. About a minute later I pushed again and this time not only did I feel the baby move but all my pain was gone and Molly started crying. I could hardly breathe. It happened so fast. Steve cut the cord and they immediately laid Molly on my chest and put warm blankets over us.

Molly was the smallest of our babies, she seemed so tiny. But she was very healthy. I had had her so fast that I did need stitches but it wasn't bad this time. We spent that night in the hospital which was nice because I was having dizzy spells from loss of blood. My blood pressure was very low. By the next morning I was feeling good. They checked us out and we picked up Anna and Colton from Rolon and Trina's house and headed home.

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