Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Molly got sick

The day Molly turned 2 weeks I was at home with the kids. Steve had gone back to work for the first time since Molly was born. The kids and I caught a cold about a week earlier but so far Molly was only showing minor symptoms. Her nose was a little stuffy but she had no fever and wasn't having trouble eating. My friend Daphne was here and helped me give her her first bath now that the umbilical cord had come off and was healed up.

 First Bath

About 4:30 that afternoon Steve called and was on his way home. I picked Molly up because she was crying and started nursing her, she barely nursed and then fell asleep. When Steve got home about 30min later. She was sleeping in her baby chair. I had been watching her because she seemed pale and was not moving much. I decided to pick her up and she didn't wake up and seemed really relaxed. I asked Steve to hold her and we knew something wasn't right. I tried calling the pediatrician but no one called back. Steve started trying to wake her up but she wasn't responding. I started putting the kids shoes on and throwing stuff in the car while Steve continued trying to wake her up. She made a little noise but not much. We got in the car and headed to Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Prineville. I called Daphne and asked her to meet us there incase we needed help with the kids. I sat next to Molly in the car and kept trying to wake her. By the time we pulled into the hospital her face was white and her lips were purple. Steve stayed with Anna and Colton while I raced in the the emergency room. It took a minute or 2 to get in but they were pretty fast. I took her out of her carseat and got her to wake up a little. They put her on oxygen which perked her up right away. Then they asked me a million questions. They tried starting an IV but were unable to get a line in because she was so tiny and dehydrated. Daphne arrived and took the kids to her house so Steve could be with Molly and I. They decided to send us to Bend on the Ambulance. They have a better pediatric unit there. Steve followed behind the Ambulance in our car. Molly seemed peaceful in the ambulance for the 40min drive. They strapped me to the gurney and let me hold her the whole time. She had a little oxygen mask on and that kept her going. When we got to Bend they tried again to start an IV.They tried her hands her arms her feet, nothing was working. Finally they were able to start one in her scalp. That freaked me out, I had never seen that before. They gave her antibiotics because the chest x-ray showed pneumonia. And they gave her IV fluids. They let me nurse her whenever she was awake and she started eating really well. Everyone was really great to us, telling us what they were doing and assuring us that we had done everything right.  I've never cried so much in my life. They finally told us that it was RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) It goes around every year and kids can get it over and over. The immunity only lasts 1-3 months. In most people it is pretty much a normal cold but in infants it can be very serious. It is a virus so it is not treatable all they can do is give oxygen and fluids and let it run its course.

Steve went back to see the kids and get me some clothes. He drove back and forth several times. Then he came down with RSV also and it hit him hard, he was already exhausted and trying to juggle me and Molly, Colton and Anna and work. Daphne kept the kids with her for most of the time. Steve brought them over to visit me but we didn't want them in the hospital so he would stay with Molly while I went out to eat with Colton and Anna. I felt terrible leaving Molly, I wanted to make sure I was there if she was hungry. But I really missed Anna and Colton too. For the first 5 days Molly was visibly not feeling well. They took the IV  out around that time and put her on oral antibiotics to prevent a secondary infection. Day 6 and 7 they tried hard to get her off the oxygen but every time they turned it off her oxygen levels dropped fast. Finally early in the morning on day 8 they turned it off and the levels didn't drop. I was so excited to finally be taking her home.  Steve picked us up and we headed to Daphne's to get Colton and Anna.
We will forever be grateful to our friends and family that got us through the month of February.
 The view out of Molly's hospital window.

First day in the hospital

Picture I took during the week


Molly's Birth

I had planned on blogging while in labor but that didn't work out very well. One Facebook update was as far as I got. The rest were written by Steve:-)
Molly is now 10 weeks old so I thought I'd sit down and Blog a little while she is sleeping :-)
Anna and Colton were both born in Bend so having Molly in Redmond was a new experience all together. The Redmond Hospital is smaller. The nurses are on 12 hour rotations so you don't have to keep going over everything with your nurses every few hours like we did in Bend.
My labor Started on Super bowl Sunday. I started having contractions after 2 or 3 days of none. We went for a walk and they intensified so around 3:30 pm we decided to head to town to be closer to the hospital if it was really labor. We went to Walmart and walked around. The contractions were 10-15 min apart and at times I would have to lean on the cart because my back was hurting so bad... After about an hour we got a call from my brother and Sister-in-law letting us know that they were home. They live about 5 minutes from the hospital and Colton and Anna would be staying with them during the birth. We went to their house and had dinner (I didn't eat anything) then Trina and I went for a walk. The contractions were still about 10-12 minutes apart but some were lasting 2-3 min. They didn't hurt so I was still in denial :-) About 11 I had a contraction that last 3+ minutes. I sat in the chair and started crying. I think it finally settle in that Molly was coming and it was going to be a long night:-) I was happy and terrified all at the same time. I called the doctor service and they told me to come in and get checked. A half hour later I was in a hospital gown getting my temperature and blood pressure checked. When they did the pelvic exam I was 2 cm and 70% effaced. Not enough to be considered active labor. So they told us to walk the halls for an hour and then they would check again. The halls were empty and quiet. Steve and I strolled around for an hour. Stopping ever 10 minutes or so during contractions. After an hour I was at 4cm. My Dr. came in and said they would break my water which made me a little nervous because that really speeds things up and I was not sure I was mentally ready for this. We gave them the go ahead and then the doctor went down the hall to sleep for a little while. Steve and I figured we'd stay in the room so after an hour or 2 of much stronger contractions we were thinking things were moving along. The nurses checked me and I was at 5cm. I wanted to cry. Instead we decided to walk :-) We walked for an hour or so and then the contractions were getting worse so we went back to the room. I was at 6-7cm. My labor had stalled again just like with Anna and Colton. They talked about giving me petosin to speed up the contractions but having had that with Anna I didn't want it again. Instead they told me to try to get some sleep. The doctor left for a little while to freshen up and the nurses left us alone to sleep. I was able to sleep between contractions and they made up the fold out bed for Steve. Around 7am my contractions started getting really strong. Still very sporadic. Some lasting 2 min some 7-8 min apart. The nurses were great. Very supportive but gave us our space and really listened to me when I said something. Around 8 or 8:30 Daphne and Charity came in. I wasn't sure they were coming but we were very happy to have them there. Steve and I were both exhausted and it helped to have my girlfriends there for support. The contractions started getting really bad about 9am. I was trying to breathe through them. With some contractions I would go through all the different breathing techniques :-) some of the contractions were still lasting 2 minutes, sometimes I would have a minute or 2 to relax but sometimes I didn't. I had to lay on my side, I would hold Steves hand and close my eyes. By this time I felt the urge to push but I was able to breathe through it. I was still at 8 cm. Just before 10am during a contraction I felt the Baby move down, I freaked a little, I hadn't pushed but the baby was coming. I whispered "get the Doctor" as loud as I could :-) With in what seemed like seconds everyone was there and getting ready. They helped me roll to my back and by this time I couldn't stop from pushing during contractions. Daphne had one hand and Steve the other. When the next contraction came I pushed and felt the baby move down farther. About a minute later I pushed again and this time not only did I feel the baby move but all my pain was gone and Molly started crying. I could hardly breathe. It happened so fast. Steve cut the cord and they immediately laid Molly on my chest and put warm blankets over us.

Molly was the smallest of our babies, she seemed so tiny. But she was very healthy. I had had her so fast that I did need stitches but it wasn't bad this time. We spent that night in the hospital which was nice because I was having dizzy spells from loss of blood. My blood pressure was very low. By the next morning I was feeling good. They checked us out and we picked up Anna and Colton from Rolon and Trina's house and headed home.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Long time since I blogged!!

I really have no excuse for not Blogging all these months. I've been at home a lot and spend a lot of time on the computer. I just haven't felt like blogging I guess :-) 
I'm not a big fan of Winter, I perfer the warmer seasons. The kids do too. I've been staying indoors a lot, part of the reason being that I'm 9 months pregnant! :-) Any day now we will be welcoming little Molly Shay into the outside world. Both Anna and Colton were born at this point in the pregnancy so we are ready. The car is packed for the hospital and my babysitters for Anna and Colton are sleeping with their Cell phones at night :-) 
I want to Blog during labor this time. I'm usually okay until the last hour or 2 before the baby arrives so hopefully I'll be able to :-) I know, not sure anyone wants to read about labor but I thought it might help take my mind off the PAIN LOL!!
Anna and Colton talk about the baby and they know it's in Mommies tummy but I don't think they really know what is going to happen. It should be interesting. 
Colton turned 2 in October. We had a small get together for him since the Swine Flu was going around and didn't think it was a good Idea to have a ton of people over.
I baked him a Chocolate Pumpkin Cake for his birthday. 
Fall is such a great time for pictures so Brittany took pictures of the kids in their back yard.
We let the kids paint their Pumpkins at Halloween instead of carving them :-)

Well I will close now. Since this blog was mostly Fall goings on the next one will be more Wintery:-)

Friday, May 15, 2009

good morning!

Finally the nice weather is here and it looks like it will hang around for awhile. I've got some around the house projects to work on today. Anna is still sleeping but Colton is wide awake. After they have breakfast we'll head outside.
I'm so excited that my peas are coming up in the garden. I wonder what will sprout next!
Only a couple weeks before we head to Summer Lake for Jenna's graduation! Then the week after that Amanda's Bridal Shower! So much going on this Summer! We are still planning a camping trip to the lake with friends hopefully that will happen in August.
Better get the day started!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Winter weather

The last few days have felt like winter. I feel bad for everything I planted in the garden. hopefully it will still come up. I talked to some other people in the area and they said everything should be okay but that I shouldn't have planted the g until the end of the month. Oh well if they don't come up by then I'll replant.
This weekend is supposed to be lovely. Rolon and Trina are moving into their new house on Friday. Saturday we are spending the day at Steve's parents house trimming trees and mowing the lawn. Sunday some friends invited us to the lake for a day of R & R.
I started mowing the lawn this morning but the wind is really blowing and the kids want to be inside. I'll try to finish this afternoon.
I'm typing this on a netbook that Steve bought for me from a guy at work. It is such a tiny computer but I'm having fun with it:-)
Last friday I lost my Mother's Ring that Steve got for me last Mothers Day while I was gardening. I was throwing a rock and felt the ring slip of. After many hours and 2 days of looking we brought home a metal detector from a friend. We still couldn't find it. Finally I was ready to look anywhere and picked up the garden rake to get it out of the way of the metal detector and there was my ring under the rake. Somehow the ring had gone in a totally different direction then I had thrown the rock. I'm really happy to have my Mothers ring back. It was the best gift I could get for Mothers Day:-)
I have some great pictures but don't know how to get them on the netbook yet:)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This week

I really don't feel like I got anything done this week but I feel like I've been busy. :-) We did get part of our garden planted so I feel good about that. The weather has not been that great for being outside but the rain is good for all the new grass I planted and of course the veggies. My lawn is starting to look like a jungle so I am thinking that I'll mow it tomorrow.
Here are some pictures from Anna's 3rd Birthday party.

Anna does not really like being the center of attention, she gets shy. Tom had to blow out her candle:-)

Here is the cake. I DID IT!! It turned out good and was tasty too!
Colton likes baking day. Steve took Anna to Redmond that morning to pick up fencing for our chicken pen. They were gone for a couple hours so it gave me time to frost the cake and decorate the house. I actually just blew up a lot of balloons.

The kids Love the Swing and slides that Steve built. Here is Anna and Riley on the Slides. Jake was making sure no one fell.
I have more picture but am having trouble getting them off the camera. I need to have Steve help me tonight when he gets home.
I just looked outside and the Sun is peeking through the clouds. One more day of rain and then it supposed to be nice for awhile.
Steve and i are going to check out some garage sales this weekend and then we have a retirement party to go to for a really nice guy that Steve worked with. It will be a lot of fun.
I was supposed to take the kids to Story time today but decided to stay home. There is a lot of flu going around and I didn't really want to expose Anna and Colton to a dozen little kids. :-) No I'm not paranoid but I really don't want the flu...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

wishing that summer would have lasted more then a couple days!

It's back to freezing cold weather here for the next few days. We were going to have a party in the park for Anna's third birthday but we have decided to have it at the house instead. I don't think the kids will have fun if it is only 50 degrees:-)
I've got my potato trenches half dug in the garden. There are still a lot of rocks. I'm glad that all veggies don't need to be planted in trenches. we planted grass along the driveway and filled in the empty spots in the yard. hopefully there will be more green then gray this Summer:-) I'm going to borrow a friends carpet cleaner tomorrow to do my carpets. they are really bad from all the tracking in over the winter and if we are going to have company I wanted it at least presentable. I'm going to make a barbie doll cake for Anna. I will take pictures and post them if they turn out:-)
Steve is working for a few hours on Saturday but then we will try to get to town to get Anna something. Haven't decided for sure yet but we are thinking about a cute little dress. She loves to dress up:-)
I had Anna and Colton help me go through their toys the other day. We are giving some of them to Alicia's kids and some to the Thrift store. I told them to pick out their favorites and the ones that they actually play with. The room looks a lot better. We don't buy many toys for them but they do seem to build up after awhile.
We got our boat out of storage and are looking forward to getting it ready for the lake. It needs a few part but it's pretty much ready to go. Can't wait for sunny summer days on the lake!!
I'm so happy for Rolon and Trina because it looks like they are getting their house and they have sold their trailer. Hopefully they can be moved in with in the month. They are actually moving closer!
Better go get some stuff done before Colton wakes up:-)
The garden Area
Colton watching Rogan
Anna jumping on the trampoline