Monday, March 30, 2009


We had a couple viruses on our computer so we have been offline a lot the last few days but Steve has it all fixed now:-) We went to a garage sale on Saturday, it was a nice family that had lived in Redmond for 6 years. They were having to walk away from the house so they were selling everything. We bought their Trampoline for $30 (I've always wanted one) and a basket ball hoop for $30 (Steve has always wanted one:-). We were shocked when we got home and found out that the Trampoline is sold new for 3-4 thousand dollars!! It is an older model but it has a brand new mat and springs so I think we got a great deal. Ann and Sid were out at some other sales and found Anna a little bike for $2 I got Colton several pairs of shorts for $2. I forgot how much fun Garage sale shopping is.
Steve had no sooner cleared my garden site before I decided to put it somewhere else. We decided to make it bigger so we are putting at the back of the property. I need to make a trip to Summer Lake because Alicia ordered seeds for me and they are sitting down there.
I went last week to look at a horse for Nathan. It was a very nice horse and Nathan decided to get it. I'll attach a photo.
Today we are staying home. There is still a little snow and Hail on the ground from our storms yesterday but it is supposed to warm into the 50's.
Bye for now.Nathan on his horse Buddy

Anna's new bike.

The Trampoline

Steve working on the Tractor after clearing part of the garden.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Going to the Pool

I'm taking the kids to the pool in Madras today. I'm meeting friends there too. Anna is very excited even though she has never been there. I am taking my camera so maybe I'll have some pictures to post tomorrow. Steve took yesterday off and we went to town for the day. It looks like it will be a busy week, not sure yet what we are doing this weekend.
After going to the pool I'm driving to Redmond to look at a horse for Nathan. It looks like a nice little horse, hopefully it works out.
I better go get ready to go.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The week is almost over!

Colton is taking his nap so I thought it would be a good time to catch up on my blogging. I've been on Facebook a lot and I'm also trying out Twitter but I like facebook better.
It's pretty nice out today, a little windy and cloudy but a lot warmer then it has been. I'm going to go outside with the kids as soon as Colton wakes up.
I haven't been taking many pictures but I need to start, I like outdoor pictures better and since we haven't been outdoor much...
We are having a get together with friends tomorrow night. Spring break starts on Saturday so everyone is excited.
Steve is finishing up the bathroom floor tonight and he also wants to work on converting his tractor so that we can get the garden spot ready.
I was going to go visit Alicia and Richard today because they are staying in a place near Redmond but they have all been sick and I really don't want the kids to catch it. Hopefully we can get down to Summer Lake in the next couple weeks. I know that Anna and Colton will like seeing the calves and lambs:-)
Better go I hear Colton:-)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Finally some Sun!

It looks like spring might actually be coming after all. It sure seems like it has been a long winter. I took the kids out to play yesterday and we're going out this afternoon. The wind has been blowing so it we stayed in this morning but now it has died down. I took some pictures of the kids outside yesterday I'll attach them below:-)
Ann is coming over tomorrow to help Steve lay tile in our master bathroom. it will be nice to get that done. I've never laid tile but Ann does it a lot so I thought I'd let them work on that and I'll keep the kids out of their hair:-)
Steve has been helping some friends with their computer so he'll be home late again today. At least we don't have to be up by 5 tomorrow. I hate getting up early.
Steve is expecting the parts to fix his tractor on Monday so then he will be able to clear out my garden site and I'll start hauling compost.
Well I better get the kids outside. there is a rain storm blowing in late tonight so we need to get outside before it starts clouding up:-)
Colton and Anna playing on our go cart.
Anna thought she needed her purse with her for some reason:-)Rogan and Mo had fun fetching the tennis ball.
The house is looking nice with it's new paint but we need grass to add a little more color

Monday, March 9, 2009

I never know what to write here:-)

It's Monday and blowing snow outside. It's only getting up to about 32 degrees today. Brrr.
I've been on the phone all day it seems like but that's okay because I don't want to be outside:-)
I got an email from a third cousin that lives in California and it is really exciting because we didn't know anything about that branch of the family. They have a lot of photo's that we have never seen so we will have fun getting to no eachother and exchanging info.
Colton and Anna are jumping all over me while I'm writing this. I think they want breakfast so I'll make this short. :-)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


He had more snow last night, Only about an inch or two but it made for slippery roads this morning, I always hat it when Steve has to drive so early in the morning on days like this. Today is supposed to be the last day of snow for awhile. Maybe spring is finally here!! I need to start my Greenhouse plants.
We are planning again to put our house on the market this Spring and see what happens. We have a few more projects to do before we can list it but we are going to talk to our realtor about what he think we should do and not do to get the house ready.
I think I might do some baking today, I haven't baked for awhile and homemade bread sounds good. :-)
I thought Anna was getting an ear infection but she seems okay this morning. She was up crying a lot last night.
I need to call Mom and dad and see how they are doing, everyone there has been sick also.