Friday, March 13, 2009

Finally some Sun!

It looks like spring might actually be coming after all. It sure seems like it has been a long winter. I took the kids out to play yesterday and we're going out this afternoon. The wind has been blowing so it we stayed in this morning but now it has died down. I took some pictures of the kids outside yesterday I'll attach them below:-)
Ann is coming over tomorrow to help Steve lay tile in our master bathroom. it will be nice to get that done. I've never laid tile but Ann does it a lot so I thought I'd let them work on that and I'll keep the kids out of their hair:-)
Steve has been helping some friends with their computer so he'll be home late again today. At least we don't have to be up by 5 tomorrow. I hate getting up early.
Steve is expecting the parts to fix his tractor on Monday so then he will be able to clear out my garden site and I'll start hauling compost.
Well I better get the kids outside. there is a rain storm blowing in late tonight so we need to get outside before it starts clouding up:-)
Colton and Anna playing on our go cart.
Anna thought she needed her purse with her for some reason:-)Rogan and Mo had fun fetching the tennis ball.
The house is looking nice with it's new paint but we need grass to add a little more color


  1. Your house is lovely! :)

  2. I love the pictures you post, I can't stress that enough. I am a big fan of children :)
    The sun has been up here for two days, and I pray that it doesn't get cloudy again anytime soon.
    Are you remodeling your house or something? did I miss that somewhere along the line?

  3. Not really remodeling but there were a lot of plumbing problems when we moved in and we thought there was mold under the linoleum in the bathroom so Steve tore it up. There was no mold luckily but now we need new flooring. Someone gave us some tile they had so that is what we are using:-)
