Thursday, March 5, 2009


He had more snow last night, Only about an inch or two but it made for slippery roads this morning, I always hat it when Steve has to drive so early in the morning on days like this. Today is supposed to be the last day of snow for awhile. Maybe spring is finally here!! I need to start my Greenhouse plants.
We are planning again to put our house on the market this Spring and see what happens. We have a few more projects to do before we can list it but we are going to talk to our realtor about what he think we should do and not do to get the house ready.
I think I might do some baking today, I haven't baked for awhile and homemade bread sounds good. :-)
I thought Anna was getting an ear infection but she seems okay this morning. She was up crying a lot last night.
I need to call Mom and dad and see how they are doing, everyone there has been sick also.


  1. Oooo! Baking! I just found a new zucchini-pineapple quick bread recipe I am dying to try. :P Yum. Have fun!
    PS I just got sick too. BOO! :(

  2. today was 70 here!!! *does the happy dance*

    homemade bread does sound good...
