Friday, February 27, 2009

On the Mend

Hopefully we are finally getting to the end of our colds. Colton seemed to be the worst because he always gets a bad cough. He slept better last night so I got some sleep finally:-) Steve just got a cough and a bad headache.
We are going into town this afternoon to get some groceries and just to get out of the house for a little while.
Colton did something pretty funny yesterday. I had just finished talk to Steve on the phone and I set the phone on the table and went to the restroom. While in there I heard the phone being dialed so I came out and took the phone from Colton who had the phone to his ear like he was talking. I looked at it and it was off so I went to hang it up when it rang. When I picked it up I heard "911, do you have an emergency.?" I was a little confused until she told me that someone had just called from our number. There is no quick dial on our phone so he actually dialed 911. Crazy little boy:-)
We've had quite a mixture of weather this week, from Rain to Snow to wind to beautiful spring like days. I took a few pictures.

Monday when we got home from town there was a lovely rainbow out our front door

Thursday morning we woke up to about an inch of snow and blue skies.

Here is Colton in his pajamas's with his messy curly hair:-)

Anna in her purple dress. She wanted to watch Cinderella on the computer then she fell asleep:-)

1 comment:

  1. oh I love these pictures. I have tried taking pictures of rainbows but my camera is too crappy for that, I guess.. they never show up in the pictures!
    We have all had colds around here too. I think they are finally starting to fade away, although Rachel hasn't been here.. so she will probably get it and give it all back to us :(

    Your little ones are so adorable, makes me wish I was younger so I could have another one!!
