Friday, February 6, 2009


I'm baking dinner rolls, Cinnamon Rolls and more dinner rolls:-) I love baking and lately I've been trying to find the perfect bread recipe. I tried 2 different kinds today and we'll see how they turn out. :-) We are leaving really early tomorrow so I thought Cinnamon Rolls would be a quick Breakfast.
My cold isn't to bad but Steve was feeling pretty yucky this morning. Steve got some books off of Craigslist so we drove to Redmond last night to pick them up. Tyler's birthday was on the 1st so we decided to drop off his gift on our way home. He said he didn't have school today so we asked him if he wanted to come over for the weekend so he did. So we'll take him home on Sunday.
I'll write more later, gotta set my Bread

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