Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Going to town

This will be the fourth day on the road for me:-) I got used to staying in the house to much:-)
We are going to get the rest of the camping stuff for Nathan and Steve's Rendezvous. Won't be a long day, Colton is taking a nap so maybe he'll be in a good mood.
We went and visited Trina and the Kids for a couple hours yesterday. We met Dad and Nathan there, Nathan came home with us. We took Tyler back to Redmond on the way home. It was a busy day.
I thought I'd try uploading a video clip, let me know if you can't see it. This was from a couple weeks ago when we had a nice day and were out for a walk.

1 comment:

  1. omg they are so sweet! I just love them when they are that age. So full of life and energy and innocence. You are so lucky to have them!
