Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, it looks like we all officially have colds. I was up half the night with Colton. He always ends up with a croupy sounding cough. Anna seems to be getting better since she has had it for almost a week.
We were supposed to go to the Hurzeler's today for Jason and Carrie's going away party but I don't like spreading colds around. I was looking forward to seeing everyone. Hopefully we'll be able to see them before they leave on the 16th.
The clouds are rolling in this morning, it looks like rain. It's also starting to get windy. It is a good day to stay in and drink tea:-)
Hopefully we'll all be healthy enough to go to Christmas Valley on Saturday. If not then Steve will probably go by himself.
Steve smoked a big batch of jerky last night, Anna loves it! I think she could almost live on it. There is still some out there smoking, Steve takes it to work and shares it with his co-workers.
Here is a picture of me holding Kellie and Colton in December at Summer Lake

1 comment:

  1. aww, I'm sorry you guys are sick.
    I hope you all get better really quickly.
    That picture is ADORABLE!
