Monday, February 23, 2009

Ribit Ribit

I have a frog in my throat:-) This stupid cold has made me loose my voice. But I can still type:-)
We are getting ready to go meet Dad and James in Prineville. They are picking up Nathan and doing some shopping.
We found a new home for our Dog, Boscoe, yesterday. I felt terrible saying good bye but I think he will be very spoiled at his new home. Now we can leave without worrying about him running away.
It looks like it will be cold all week with a mix of Rain and Snow so we will be staying close to home.
Steve is back to work after 4 days off. Work is slowing at the mill but they are still going to have him come in 5 days a week and put his hours in. The did cut managements pay but at least he still has a job.
Colton and Anna have colds too. Colton is also teething so he has been running a fever on and off for the last three days. I hope it goes away soon, I don't think I can take to many more night with no sleep.
Well I better get the kids ready to go.

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