Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The last few days the weather has been so nice. Temp's in the 50's, it feels like spring. I dug up my flower bed on Monday, it is to early to plant anything but it felt good to get the bed ready. I've got plans for my garden now. I am getting some bull wire to keep the dogs out and then I'll put chicken wire around the bottom to keep the rabbits out. I'm counting on the dogs to keep the deer out. The only thing left to worry about are the birds:-)
I'm going to Prineville today to meet Richard and the boys. They are coming up to get their dairy cow. I've got some clothes for Kellie and a few other things to send home with them.
Tomorrow is the going away party for Jason and Carrie so I'll pick Steve up after work and we'll head over to Bend.
Steve won't have to work again on Friday so we are going to do a little shopping. Saturday we'll be going to Christmas Valley to help Anne put flooring in part of their house. The next few days will be busy so might not have much time on the computer.
Well I better go get the kids ready for town. I attached a picture of Anna and Colton playing outside on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. oh they are so cute and tiny :)
    I am so looking forward to gardening this year. I have never really done it before. I did try to grow some flowers once, but they never grew :(
    I guess I am going to learn as I go this year!
