Friday, May 15, 2009

good morning!

Finally the nice weather is here and it looks like it will hang around for awhile. I've got some around the house projects to work on today. Anna is still sleeping but Colton is wide awake. After they have breakfast we'll head outside.
I'm so excited that my peas are coming up in the garden. I wonder what will sprout next!
Only a couple weeks before we head to Summer Lake for Jenna's graduation! Then the week after that Amanda's Bridal Shower! So much going on this Summer! We are still planning a camping trip to the lake with friends hopefully that will happen in August.
Better get the day started!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Winter weather

The last few days have felt like winter. I feel bad for everything I planted in the garden. hopefully it will still come up. I talked to some other people in the area and they said everything should be okay but that I shouldn't have planted the g until the end of the month. Oh well if they don't come up by then I'll replant.
This weekend is supposed to be lovely. Rolon and Trina are moving into their new house on Friday. Saturday we are spending the day at Steve's parents house trimming trees and mowing the lawn. Sunday some friends invited us to the lake for a day of R & R.
I started mowing the lawn this morning but the wind is really blowing and the kids want to be inside. I'll try to finish this afternoon.
I'm typing this on a netbook that Steve bought for me from a guy at work. It is such a tiny computer but I'm having fun with it:-)
Last friday I lost my Mother's Ring that Steve got for me last Mothers Day while I was gardening. I was throwing a rock and felt the ring slip of. After many hours and 2 days of looking we brought home a metal detector from a friend. We still couldn't find it. Finally I was ready to look anywhere and picked up the garden rake to get it out of the way of the metal detector and there was my ring under the rake. Somehow the ring had gone in a totally different direction then I had thrown the rock. I'm really happy to have my Mothers ring back. It was the best gift I could get for Mothers Day:-)
I have some great pictures but don't know how to get them on the netbook yet:)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This week

I really don't feel like I got anything done this week but I feel like I've been busy. :-) We did get part of our garden planted so I feel good about that. The weather has not been that great for being outside but the rain is good for all the new grass I planted and of course the veggies. My lawn is starting to look like a jungle so I am thinking that I'll mow it tomorrow.
Here are some pictures from Anna's 3rd Birthday party.

Anna does not really like being the center of attention, she gets shy. Tom had to blow out her candle:-)

Here is the cake. I DID IT!! It turned out good and was tasty too!
Colton likes baking day. Steve took Anna to Redmond that morning to pick up fencing for our chicken pen. They were gone for a couple hours so it gave me time to frost the cake and decorate the house. I actually just blew up a lot of balloons.

The kids Love the Swing and slides that Steve built. Here is Anna and Riley on the Slides. Jake was making sure no one fell.
I have more picture but am having trouble getting them off the camera. I need to have Steve help me tonight when he gets home.
I just looked outside and the Sun is peeking through the clouds. One more day of rain and then it supposed to be nice for awhile.
Steve and i are going to check out some garage sales this weekend and then we have a retirement party to go to for a really nice guy that Steve worked with. It will be a lot of fun.
I was supposed to take the kids to Story time today but decided to stay home. There is a lot of flu going around and I didn't really want to expose Anna and Colton to a dozen little kids. :-) No I'm not paranoid but I really don't want the flu...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

wishing that summer would have lasted more then a couple days!

It's back to freezing cold weather here for the next few days. We were going to have a party in the park for Anna's third birthday but we have decided to have it at the house instead. I don't think the kids will have fun if it is only 50 degrees:-)
I've got my potato trenches half dug in the garden. There are still a lot of rocks. I'm glad that all veggies don't need to be planted in trenches. we planted grass along the driveway and filled in the empty spots in the yard. hopefully there will be more green then gray this Summer:-) I'm going to borrow a friends carpet cleaner tomorrow to do my carpets. they are really bad from all the tracking in over the winter and if we are going to have company I wanted it at least presentable. I'm going to make a barbie doll cake for Anna. I will take pictures and post them if they turn out:-)
Steve is working for a few hours on Saturday but then we will try to get to town to get Anna something. Haven't decided for sure yet but we are thinking about a cute little dress. She loves to dress up:-)
I had Anna and Colton help me go through their toys the other day. We are giving some of them to Alicia's kids and some to the Thrift store. I told them to pick out their favorites and the ones that they actually play with. The room looks a lot better. We don't buy many toys for them but they do seem to build up after awhile.
We got our boat out of storage and are looking forward to getting it ready for the lake. It needs a few part but it's pretty much ready to go. Can't wait for sunny summer days on the lake!!
I'm so happy for Rolon and Trina because it looks like they are getting their house and they have sold their trailer. Hopefully they can be moved in with in the month. They are actually moving closer!
Better go get some stuff done before Colton wakes up:-)
The garden Area
Colton watching Rogan
Anna jumping on the trampoline

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday almost Friday!

I'm not sure why but it seems like this week is going by very slow. There is a small storm moving through that is supposed to bring some rain tonight and tomorrow but it is supposed to clear out this weekend.
We are getting a small garden area ready to plant. It seems like an endless task getting the rocks cleared out. Luckily most of them can be lifted by hand but there are a few big ones. Steve borrowed an attachment for his tractor yesterday that really turned up the ground so hopefully once we pick up the rock again we won't have to do it again.
Anna and Colton enjoyed spending time outside this week, Colton never used to like it much but now that he can walk it's hard to keep him inside. They always have to go right into the tub because they are filthy from head to toe.
I heard the other day that there was a study done on all the States and Nebraska was ranked number 1 (Oregon was 51:-). We started looking up info on Nebraska and it seems like it would be a cool place to live. We are of course happy in Oregon and our families are here but I think we may take a trip there to check it out further. We have some friends that are from there and they said that it only took a year of living in Oregon to make them want to go back. But now they are stuck because they bought a house and can't get rid of it:-(

Anna and Colton dressed for the outdoors:-) Anna dressed herself and Colton wanted a scarf on like mommy

Steve was playing Basketball with the kids. He just through a tennis Ball for Mo and I thought Mo looked funny in this picture:-)

A few of the Gazillion rocks that we have been piling up

Anna climbing up to go down the slide

Colton climbing up to go down the slide

Monday, March 30, 2009


We had a couple viruses on our computer so we have been offline a lot the last few days but Steve has it all fixed now:-) We went to a garage sale on Saturday, it was a nice family that had lived in Redmond for 6 years. They were having to walk away from the house so they were selling everything. We bought their Trampoline for $30 (I've always wanted one) and a basket ball hoop for $30 (Steve has always wanted one:-). We were shocked when we got home and found out that the Trampoline is sold new for 3-4 thousand dollars!! It is an older model but it has a brand new mat and springs so I think we got a great deal. Ann and Sid were out at some other sales and found Anna a little bike for $2 I got Colton several pairs of shorts for $2. I forgot how much fun Garage sale shopping is.
Steve had no sooner cleared my garden site before I decided to put it somewhere else. We decided to make it bigger so we are putting at the back of the property. I need to make a trip to Summer Lake because Alicia ordered seeds for me and they are sitting down there.
I went last week to look at a horse for Nathan. It was a very nice horse and Nathan decided to get it. I'll attach a photo.
Today we are staying home. There is still a little snow and Hail on the ground from our storms yesterday but it is supposed to warm into the 50's.
Bye for now.Nathan on his horse Buddy

Anna's new bike.

The Trampoline

Steve working on the Tractor after clearing part of the garden.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Going to the Pool

I'm taking the kids to the pool in Madras today. I'm meeting friends there too. Anna is very excited even though she has never been there. I am taking my camera so maybe I'll have some pictures to post tomorrow. Steve took yesterday off and we went to town for the day. It looks like it will be a busy week, not sure yet what we are doing this weekend.
After going to the pool I'm driving to Redmond to look at a horse for Nathan. It looks like a nice little horse, hopefully it works out.
I better go get ready to go.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The week is almost over!

Colton is taking his nap so I thought it would be a good time to catch up on my blogging. I've been on Facebook a lot and I'm also trying out Twitter but I like facebook better.
It's pretty nice out today, a little windy and cloudy but a lot warmer then it has been. I'm going to go outside with the kids as soon as Colton wakes up.
I haven't been taking many pictures but I need to start, I like outdoor pictures better and since we haven't been outdoor much...
We are having a get together with friends tomorrow night. Spring break starts on Saturday so everyone is excited.
Steve is finishing up the bathroom floor tonight and he also wants to work on converting his tractor so that we can get the garden spot ready.
I was going to go visit Alicia and Richard today because they are staying in a place near Redmond but they have all been sick and I really don't want the kids to catch it. Hopefully we can get down to Summer Lake in the next couple weeks. I know that Anna and Colton will like seeing the calves and lambs:-)
Better go I hear Colton:-)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Finally some Sun!

It looks like spring might actually be coming after all. It sure seems like it has been a long winter. I took the kids out to play yesterday and we're going out this afternoon. The wind has been blowing so it we stayed in this morning but now it has died down. I took some pictures of the kids outside yesterday I'll attach them below:-)
Ann is coming over tomorrow to help Steve lay tile in our master bathroom. it will be nice to get that done. I've never laid tile but Ann does it a lot so I thought I'd let them work on that and I'll keep the kids out of their hair:-)
Steve has been helping some friends with their computer so he'll be home late again today. At least we don't have to be up by 5 tomorrow. I hate getting up early.
Steve is expecting the parts to fix his tractor on Monday so then he will be able to clear out my garden site and I'll start hauling compost.
Well I better get the kids outside. there is a rain storm blowing in late tonight so we need to get outside before it starts clouding up:-)
Colton and Anna playing on our go cart.
Anna thought she needed her purse with her for some reason:-)Rogan and Mo had fun fetching the tennis ball.
The house is looking nice with it's new paint but we need grass to add a little more color

Monday, March 9, 2009

I never know what to write here:-)

It's Monday and blowing snow outside. It's only getting up to about 32 degrees today. Brrr.
I've been on the phone all day it seems like but that's okay because I don't want to be outside:-)
I got an email from a third cousin that lives in California and it is really exciting because we didn't know anything about that branch of the family. They have a lot of photo's that we have never seen so we will have fun getting to no eachother and exchanging info.
Colton and Anna are jumping all over me while I'm writing this. I think they want breakfast so I'll make this short. :-)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


He had more snow last night, Only about an inch or two but it made for slippery roads this morning, I always hat it when Steve has to drive so early in the morning on days like this. Today is supposed to be the last day of snow for awhile. Maybe spring is finally here!! I need to start my Greenhouse plants.
We are planning again to put our house on the market this Spring and see what happens. We have a few more projects to do before we can list it but we are going to talk to our realtor about what he think we should do and not do to get the house ready.
I think I might do some baking today, I haven't baked for awhile and homemade bread sounds good. :-)
I thought Anna was getting an ear infection but she seems okay this morning. She was up crying a lot last night.
I need to call Mom and dad and see how they are doing, everyone there has been sick also.

Friday, February 27, 2009

On the Mend

Hopefully we are finally getting to the end of our colds. Colton seemed to be the worst because he always gets a bad cough. He slept better last night so I got some sleep finally:-) Steve just got a cough and a bad headache.
We are going into town this afternoon to get some groceries and just to get out of the house for a little while.
Colton did something pretty funny yesterday. I had just finished talk to Steve on the phone and I set the phone on the table and went to the restroom. While in there I heard the phone being dialed so I came out and took the phone from Colton who had the phone to his ear like he was talking. I looked at it and it was off so I went to hang it up when it rang. When I picked it up I heard "911, do you have an emergency.?" I was a little confused until she told me that someone had just called from our number. There is no quick dial on our phone so he actually dialed 911. Crazy little boy:-)
We've had quite a mixture of weather this week, from Rain to Snow to wind to beautiful spring like days. I took a few pictures.

Monday when we got home from town there was a lovely rainbow out our front door

Thursday morning we woke up to about an inch of snow and blue skies.

Here is Colton in his pajamas's with his messy curly hair:-)

Anna in her purple dress. She wanted to watch Cinderella on the computer then she fell asleep:-)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ribit Ribit

I have a frog in my throat:-) This stupid cold has made me loose my voice. But I can still type:-)
We are getting ready to go meet Dad and James in Prineville. They are picking up Nathan and doing some shopping.
We found a new home for our Dog, Boscoe, yesterday. I felt terrible saying good bye but I think he will be very spoiled at his new home. Now we can leave without worrying about him running away.
It looks like it will be cold all week with a mix of Rain and Snow so we will be staying close to home.
Steve is back to work after 4 days off. Work is slowing at the mill but they are still going to have him come in 5 days a week and put his hours in. The did cut managements pay but at least he still has a job.
Colton and Anna have colds too. Colton is also teething so he has been running a fever on and off for the last three days. I hope it goes away soon, I don't think I can take to many more night with no sleep.
Well I better get the kids ready to go.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Home from Millican

The kids and I decided (or rather I did) to follow Steve and Nathan up to their camp at the Black Powder Rendezvous. It is about an hour and 15 minutes from here so it was a nice little trip. They are about 4 miles off the main road on a 1000 acres of private land. It is pretty much all juniper and sagebrush with mud in between:-) I thought that there would be 25-50 people there but Uncle Pete said they are expecting around 300! In past year they have had around 700 people there. It was funny to see the people walking around in the buckskins and coon skin caps. Anna was a little freaked:-) It was a good day and always nice to see Uncle Pete. Steve and Nathan are sleeping in a Canvas tent with a little wood stove in it and Pete is sleeping in his trailer. They are due back on Saturday evening.
We posted an ad online last night to find a new home for our Boxer. I feel sad about it but he jumps out all the time plus there are a few other issues. He's not mean or even aggressive. We've had him for about 3 months and we've broke some of his bad habits but he just isn't bonding well. I have a friend that wants him and I know that they can give him a good home but they already have a male boxer so they need to make sure they get along. Even though I want him to find another home I want it to be a good home so we already turned away a few people that I think just wanted him because he was free. Poor dog. I have major guilt giving him up but I think he needs to be with someone who can really spend a lot of time with him.
Well I better go feed the kids. I'm posting some pictures below:-)
Pete put one of his fur caps on Colton
Mt Jefferson on the trip home from Millican
This is Millican, no one lives there it is an old abandoned store and gas station along Highway 20
Nathan and Uncle Pete talking
Anna and Colton playing in the Snow
Colton, Steve, Anna and Nathan sitting in the tent checking out Uncle Pete's black powder rifle.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Going to town

This will be the fourth day on the road for me:-) I got used to staying in the house to much:-)
We are going to get the rest of the camping stuff for Nathan and Steve's Rendezvous. Won't be a long day, Colton is taking a nap so maybe he'll be in a good mood.
We went and visited Trina and the Kids for a couple hours yesterday. We met Dad and Nathan there, Nathan came home with us. We took Tyler back to Redmond on the way home. It was a busy day.
I thought I'd try uploading a video clip, let me know if you can't see it. This was from a couple weeks ago when we had a nice day and were out for a walk.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


The weekend is going well so far. Tyler is staying with us until Monday. Steve and I had a nice dinner together on Friday while Ann and Tyler watched the kids.
Last night we spent the evening at Chris and Charity's, we had dinner and played 10,000 (a dice game). Brian and Heather were there too, we will see them all again this afternoon because they are having a Birthday party for Thomas, he turns 10 tomorrow. He and Steve share their birth date.
Nathan is coming up to stay tomorrow or Tuesday, then he and Steve will leave for the Black Powder Rendezvous on Thursday. It looks like it is going to be sunny for them but the high temp will be about 45. Brrrr. I'm glad the kids and I are staying home.
Not much to write about, maybe I'll post some pictures of the Birthday party later:-)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Date night

It's been awhile since Steve and I went anywhere together without the kids. Tonight Steve's mom is coming over to baby sit so that we can go to dinner! Steve's birthday is this weekend and then of course Valentines day! We very rarely eat out so this will be a big treat. We are going to our Favorite restaurant in Prineville. We have hear rumors that it might be closing so we want to go once more before it does. We've only been there 4 times in 5 years but every time the meals were great and the people fantastic! I hope tonight will be just as memorable. The food reminds me of the lovely dinners that Darrell and Jean and I cooked at the inn. It's nice to be reminded of my years with Darrell and Jean.
The clouds are dark but so far no snow so I think the kids and I will make a quick trip into town since we have been cooped up since Sunday:-)

Here's a picture of Steve and I on our Wedding Day at the Inn.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


It was a rough week for Steve, His mill laid off more workers. Luckily he still has his job but a lot off people he works with are gone. Unemployment in our county is at 15% or higher. There have been so many lay offs and I'm sure there will be more. Some people are in better situations then others so they are volunteering for the lay offs just so that someone else that needs a job more then them can stay.
Our friend Randy wasn't on the list but volunteer because he is so close to retirement and his wife is still working. Steve's whole crew started crying when Randy told them he was leaving (mostly just the women cried but Steve said that the men got a little misty to:-). Randy has worked there since 1976.
We met a guy the other day that used to have his own family construction business and now that no one is building he is using his construction equipment to drive around central Oregon and haul away scrap metal for people. He is making a living at it, supporting his wife and 2 little kids.
The schools in our area have reduced the school year by 10 days and have canceled in Extra curricular activities for the Spring. They said that there enrollment didn't increase like they thought it would so they basically spent money they thought they would have. Now it looks like they will be laying off people too.
The problem is that people need to learn to be responsible when things are good not just when they get bad. If people were responsible in the good times there wouldn't be bad times. People get greedy and want everything they can get. The really sad thing is that almost everything in this country is so intertwined that when one things fails everything else follows.
On a lighter note:-) The sky is blue and the fog is burning off. If it get's a little warmer I might even take the kids to town and meet Steve for lunch.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Here of some pictures of what it looks like outside our house today:-)

At home...

The kids and I are staying home again today. It is starting to snow now and we are supposed to get a few inches over the next few days. Steve has a terrible cold but still had to go to work. He says it is starting to get a little better.
Eli and Heather's little girl Briellah Sunn Hurzeler was born 6:11 PM 02/09/09 strong and healthy 7.8lb 20 in. I'm very happy for them.
I'll probably take the kids to story time tomorrow and then we are supposed to meet some friends for lunch. Hopefully the roads won't be to bad. We missed the last 2 weeks because of our colds.
Next week will be a busy week. Steve is getting ready for his Black Powder Rendezvous. Nathan is going with him and they are going to meet Uncle Pete there.
Well I better get busy and do some laundry and cleaning. I think I'll bake some cookies....

Monday, February 9, 2009

The sun is shining!

The Sun is out but the clouds are supposed to roll in tonight and we are supposed to get snow on and off all week.
I'm so excited, my friend Heather is having her baby or maybe already has. They went into the hospital last night and I am dying to hear news! She is having a girl (they have a boy and a girl already). I am so happy for her and Eli!
The kids and I are staying home today. We took Tyler home last night and stopped by to visit Ann and Sid for a couple hours. They got a converter box so that they could get the local digital channels after canceling there cable.
I think I'll try to take the kids outside for a little while before the clouds start accumulating.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Home from Christmas Valley

Well we are home:-) We left about 6am yesterday and got
home at about 8:30pm. The trip only takes 2 1/2 hours if
we take the back road. We had a pretty good day. All the
flooring is down and they got the plumbing break under
the house fixed.
Mom and Alicia came out to visit with Sebastian, Leighton
and Kellie so all the kids played together. Tyler got his first
lesson laying wood flooring. I helped a little but kept getting interrupted by screaming kids or smashing my finger with
the hammer:-) Ann was happy to have the floor done so they can move in to their master bedroom.
Today we are all a little tired, so we are just hanging out at the house. We did bring home wire panel to make my garden so we laid those out this morning. Now we need some posts and Chicken wire (to keep the bunnies out) and we'll be almost ready for spring planting:-)
We are going to Redmond this afternoon to take Tyler home.
Then we might go visit Ann and Sid.
I'm attaching a few picture from our trip, The first is of
Mom holding Leighton and Alicia feeding little Kellie
The 2nd is of the lovely sunrise on the way to Christmas
The 3rd is of Colton, Tyler and Anna sleeping on the way
The 4th is of Tyler's 1st time laying wood flooring.
Better go make some lunch for the guys.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I finished all my baking and cooking for the day:-) The cinnamon rolls were a big hit. They were supposed to be for breakfast tomorrow but they are half gone:-) Anna and Colton are napping. Anna played outside with Tyler for awhile and I think she was wore out.
We are supposed to get some snow showers tonight but nothing major. We are going the back way to Christmas Valley in the morning so I am hoping for good roads. Ann decided to go down tonight so that she can clean the floors before the kids get there.
Tyler and Steve are in the living room reading and listening to NPR. It is a very quiet Friday afternoon.
I'm praying for Heather she is due tomorrow and hoping for the baby to come this weekend.
It is also Kellie Jane's 1st Birthday today! Happy Birthday Kellie!


I'm baking dinner rolls, Cinnamon Rolls and more dinner rolls:-) I love baking and lately I've been trying to find the perfect bread recipe. I tried 2 different kinds today and we'll see how they turn out. :-) We are leaving really early tomorrow so I thought Cinnamon Rolls would be a quick Breakfast.
My cold isn't to bad but Steve was feeling pretty yucky this morning. Steve got some books off of Craigslist so we drove to Redmond last night to pick them up. Tyler's birthday was on the 1st so we decided to drop off his gift on our way home. He said he didn't have school today so we asked him if he wanted to come over for the weekend so he did. So we'll take him home on Sunday.
I'll write more later, gotta set my Bread

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, it looks like we all officially have colds. I was up half the night with Colton. He always ends up with a croupy sounding cough. Anna seems to be getting better since she has had it for almost a week.
We were supposed to go to the Hurzeler's today for Jason and Carrie's going away party but I don't like spreading colds around. I was looking forward to seeing everyone. Hopefully we'll be able to see them before they leave on the 16th.
The clouds are rolling in this morning, it looks like rain. It's also starting to get windy. It is a good day to stay in and drink tea:-)
Hopefully we'll all be healthy enough to go to Christmas Valley on Saturday. If not then Steve will probably go by himself.
Steve smoked a big batch of jerky last night, Anna loves it! I think she could almost live on it. There is still some out there smoking, Steve takes it to work and shares it with his co-workers.
Here is a picture of me holding Kellie and Colton in December at Summer Lake

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The last few days the weather has been so nice. Temp's in the 50's, it feels like spring. I dug up my flower bed on Monday, it is to early to plant anything but it felt good to get the bed ready. I've got plans for my garden now. I am getting some bull wire to keep the dogs out and then I'll put chicken wire around the bottom to keep the rabbits out. I'm counting on the dogs to keep the deer out. The only thing left to worry about are the birds:-)
I'm going to Prineville today to meet Richard and the boys. They are coming up to get their dairy cow. I've got some clothes for Kellie and a few other things to send home with them.
Tomorrow is the going away party for Jason and Carrie so I'll pick Steve up after work and we'll head over to Bend.
Steve won't have to work again on Friday so we are going to do a little shopping. Saturday we'll be going to Christmas Valley to help Anne put flooring in part of their house. The next few days will be busy so might not have much time on the computer.
Well I better go get the kids ready for town. I attached a picture of Anna and Colton playing outside on Monday.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday's Monday's

Monday's are always kind of hard, Steve goes back to work. The kids are cranky after being out and about on the weekends. Staying up late and missing naps:-)
This morning Anna woke up with a cough and stuffy nose. I have tried to keep them germ free but I'm not sure that is possible. Last year they were sick all winter it seemed so I vowed I would try my best to keep them well this year. Oh well, they need to build their immune systems up and the only way that can really happen is for them to get sick occasionally.
We had a nice weekend, Steve had Friday off and then we had Chris and Charity over for dinner on Saturday, we played Scrabble and Steve beat me at it. That never happens! I'm a sore loser. Sunday Dawn and Jon came to visit, Dawn is 7 months pregnant now. They are having a boy and his name will be (is) Gabriel. Leah and Hannah are getting excited about their new baby brother.
Today the kids and I are staying home. I figure that Colton will probably get sick next so better to let them rest. Steve should be home around 4 so maybe we'll go out for a walk.
Hopefully the kids will be feeling better by Thursday so that we can go to Jason and Carrie's going away party at Robert and Peggy's. Jason and Carrie are moving to Alaska on the 16th.
Yesterday was Tyler's 16th birthday, Steve called him last night. Maybe we'll go take him out next weekend. He said his grade are not very good, I wish we could help but I don't think he cares. He hates school.
Well I better sign off and get a few things done while Colton is napping.